Linda Scheller
Linda Scheller is a California Central Valley poet, playwright, book reviewer, and writing teacher. Her work is widely published in numerous journals and anthologies including Notre Dame Review, Slipstream, Hawai'i Pacific Review, Poetry East, Sugar House Review, Plays, Seattle Review, Connecticut River Review, Poem, Wisconsin Review, Thimble, Santa Fe Literary Review, Terrain, Colorado Review, and More Than Soil, More Than Sky. A founding board member and vice president of Modesto-Stanislaus (MoSt) Poetry Center, she facilitates writing workshops, manages membership, lectures, and generates publicity. She programs for KCBP Community Radio, co-hosting and producing "Arts of the San Joaquin Valley" and "Women of the Valley." Ms. Scheller's poetry has been featured at readings in San Francisco, Monterey, Fresno, Sacramento, Pacific Grove, Davis, Merced, Sonora, Diamond Point, and Hot Springs, Arkansas. In 2017, FutureCycle Press published her book of research-based, award-winning poetry, Fierce Light. Her second book of poetry, Wind & Children, was published in June 2022 by Main Street Rag.